Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Well, I've been playing a few games, mostly cards and Jeopardy! I won $11,800.00! Too bad it's not real. I've looked at a few of the other games but haven't actively played yet. I will try some this week.
I came across this article published in "The Silhouette" about a grad student here at Mac who is studying how video games may be good for the brain and your mental health as you age:
www.thesil.ca/article.pl?sid=07/01/11/1949233. Good news for us baby boomers!


About me said...

I read the article you provided a link to re: the gaming and memory. I would submit that, people entering middle age would do well to take up learning a musical instrument. It is well known that playing a musical instrument stimulates many different areas of the brain. I read somewhere that a violinist must perform 23 different functions while reading music and playing. Just an interesting thought!

Laila said...

Thanks for your comments; I only wish I could play an instrument! As a child I took piano and clarinet and failed quite miserably at both. Guess I'll stick to crosswords and Freecell, one of my favorite online solitaire games!